So it all started with half a cup of choya.
I was craving for a little bit of choya (the taste just CAME to me and I thought: okay I HAVE to drink it.) after dinner yesterday (which STILL sounds like forever. and that's friday night)
Filled the 3/4 cup of ice, and poured choya in till it was half full, I swear that thing doesn't taste like wine AT ALL, so I gulped it down while watching Friends.
Fifteen minutes later, my face was red hot and burning, and I didn't want my mummy to see cause I was supposed to study after dinner and I obviously can't study when I'm drunk (dammit I can't believe HALF a cup of choya killed me)
So I crawled onto bed and switched off all the lights.
It came with a terrible headache, thumping heart, thumping veins in the head and a burning upper body. I slept and slept and slept and slept and slept.
till 2:30 am (that's 6 hours). Woke up to bathe, got myself canned sardines and fresh oranges and went back to sleep.
That's a TOTAL waste of time, huh D:

I really like this painting! Its drawn by a local artist haha.
Just a picture to make you less bored, hmm
Then I woke up and got to school for BAND ELECTIONS, met Nathanael on the bus and it was then that I decided I'm not gonna bother much about the band election speech thingy HAHA.
Met nicolette at the concourse before heading the the band room, where we practiced March: Celebration and glory for the AYG thing. It didn't go all that well, but lunch break came pretty soon anyway :] Got myself some prata with the rest of the band girls at some coffeeshop nearby!
God, I miss thursday morning breakfasts and simpang!
The elections were.... boring, kinda.
They made us sit at a corner (there were a few J2s), everybody was required to have a speech then questions were asked and so on. It took forever, like 3 hours or something.
I didn't want to run for anything at first, but since it was compulsory I ran for the librarian post LOL. I guess mine went... Idk, was it fine? they asked me alot of questions but whatver, its over anyway.
I'm glad the elections thingy proved there isn't such thing called stage fright in me anymore hahaha. OH AND I FOUND SOMEBODY ELSE FROM BAND WHO'S GOING TO JAPAN AS WELL!!!! yay! That's 3 in total!
Mhmm yes, the elections were just like that. Went to the art room to steal paint after that and thus ended my day.
This morning, I went back to AHSChoir cause I'm considering (actually I think I am) participating in their LIMELIGHT concert at ESPLANADE ON MY BIRTHDAY (30 june)
I figured my birthday would be boring with everybody still having their exams, so it shall bring me some nice memories =D
Just that I felt so foreign back there, it was plain weird. Ohwell.
Yes, and thanks YINGJUN and JUNYAO for helping me keep and pass the phone to me. Stupid me left it in school.
Thus ends the post about today.
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